Site Manager
Mr Childs
Scott Abel
Teresa Barnes
Nancy Watkins
Elizabeth Abel
Infant & Nursery01953
Watton Junior01953
You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.
Watton Junior School
Mrs Kemp
Mrs Spencer
Mrs Kemp – Executive Head Teacher
Mrs Spencer – Deputy Head Teacher
Miss J Raine - Assistant SENDCO
Mrs S Warnes – Pupil Support Officer
Miss B Bailey - Administration / Interventions
Mrs Newby – HLTA
Miss B Best - Trusts Primary SENDCO
Mrs V Spencer
Miss B Best
Mr K Beeson
Mrs S Warnes
Miss S Santy
Miss J Raine
Class Teachers
Mr Nicholls
Mrs MacRae
Mr Fradley
Mrs Beedell
Miss Lancaster
Mrs Newby
Mrs Naylor
Mr Beeson
Mr Hill
Mr Smith
Mrs Whiffin
Miss Saratial
Mrs Maguire
ESP Class
Mrs Archdale
Class Support
Mrs Coss
Miss Evans
Mrs Reeve
Miss Gibbs
Mrs Billman
Mrs Levin
Miss Taylor
Mrs Petrauskiene
Mrs Stratton
Mrs Moore
Mrs Starland
Miss Maund
Miss Roberts
Miss Craigie
Mrs Inman
Miss Robinson
Mr Taylor
Mrs Bell
Mrs Mason
Mrs Frost
Pupil Support Officer
Mrs S Warnes
Miss Best
Miss Raine
Breakfast/ After school club
Mrs Reeve
Mrs Wright
Mrs Denton
Mr Fleming
Office Staff
Miss Mather – Administrator
Miss Bailey – Administrator
Site Staff
Mr Childs
Scott Abel
Teresa Barnes
Nancy Watkins
Elizabeth Abel
Learning and Cognition SRB Staff
Teacher – Mrs Rees and Miss Raine
Class HLTA – Mrs Winter
Class TA – Mrs Quinn
Speech and Language Intervention
Mrs K Warnes – Speech and language therapy
Mr Taylor
Mrs Rodrigues
Mrs Reeve
Mrs Stratton
Mrs Coss
Mrs Billman
Mrs Bell
Mrs Tortice
Miss Maund
Mrs Starland
Miss Levin
Mrs Petrauskiene
Miss Robinson
Miss Frost
Mrs Inman
Kitchen Staff – Edwards and Blake
Mrs Byles
Mrs Summers
Miss Jowett
Miss Bak
Social, Emotional and Mental Health SRB Staff
Lead Teacher - Miss S Santy
Class HLTA - Mrs T Campbell
Class TA - Mrs S Lock
Miss S Taylor