Infant & Nursery01953
Watton Junior01953

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

Watton Junior School

Learning and Cognition SRB

KS2 Learning and Cognition SRB

Who and where are we?

  • We are one of 4 KS2 Learning and Cognition units in Norfolk.
  • We are based in Watton Junior School.
  • At capacity, we can work with a maximum of 10 children .
  • Children come to us for a minimum stay of two terms with a maximum of 4 terms.
  • They visit their home school on Wednesday.

Contact Number:

01953 881387


SRB Flyer

SRB Overview for Autumn 1


What could be an identified Learning Need?

Every teacher knows that some children, despite numerous interventions, group support and highly differentiated work, struggle to make the required progress. Their needs, however, are not severe enough to be able to access a Complex Needs setting. The school identifies that they need higher level intervention, which cannot be offered in class. The needs may be repeated concrete tasks, pre-learning, over-learning, repetition, a bespoke curriculum to address their required style of learning, maybe precision teaching, and a chance to thrive in a small group situation where they feel their needs are not so obvious to their peers.

What we can offer

  • Almost one to one teaching, or small groups on a daily basis.
  • A curriculum based on teaching through a core story for English, where we highly differentiate work and approaches, to meet the child’s needs. This could be as basic as phonics work, but always aiming to be engaging, motivating and bespoke.
  • We teach maths based on the attainment of number skills underpinning transition to using and applying where appropriate, through questioning and concrete manipulation.
  • We access other areas of the curriculum to support the child’s learning needs, focusing on confidence and esteem building as the ultimate bridge to increasing attainment.
  • Links with our Special School partner Parkside, an Educational Psychologist, and The Dyslexia Outreach Service.

Meet our staff

Miss J Raine JR image 3 4

Miss J Raine 

Lead SRB Teacher

Works Wednesday - Friday 

Mrs Julia Rees
SRB Teacher
Works Monday - Wednesday
Mrs Val Winter
Works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Jayne Quinn
Works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Application procedure

So, if you have identified a need with a student whom you feel could benefit from a placement at the SRB, what is the procedure to begin application?

Initially contact is made to the SRB lead teacher at : (for the attention of Jess Raine) to discuss the child and their needs.

  • The lead teacher visits the child in their home school to see them in class situ and discuss needs, attainment levels, strategies already tried and discussions around learning and cognition also focusing on confidence and self-esteem levels.
  • If the lead teacher believes that they would fit, and progress could be made around the identified need then an application is made formally to the SRB and this then goes to panel at NCC. Parental permission is needed at this point.
  • Panel meets at designated times during the year and decides whether the application should be granted.
  • A formal offer is made to the child’s home school.
  • The student visits with parents and then begins a two term placement (this can be extended to 4 terms following panel application)
  • The student is assessed during their placement and reports are issued mid term and end of term.
Panel Admissions Date (Online) EP, Outreach T & SP (Online and F2F) Team Meeting Date (Professionals' meeting room) 
02.10.24 04.10.24 09.10.24
27.11.24 29.11.24 04.12.24
22.01.25 24.01.25 29.01.25
12.03.25 14.03.25 19.03.25
07.05.25 09.05.25 14.05.25
25.06.25 27.06.25 02.07.25

Please can schools submit referrals by 17:30 on the application submission deadline and then cases will be reviewed on the panel date.  

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Watton Westfield Infant & Nursery and Watton Junior School

Aim: For all children to achieve their full potential.
Ethos: To use an ambitious curriculum and nurturing approach to inspire confident life-long learners.
Vision: We provide a Safe, Meaningful, Inclusive Learning Environment. SMILE

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The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

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