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Watton Junior School


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Watton Junior School takes a whole school approach to Inclusion. 

We work together to ensure every child achieves the best possible outcomes they can, academically, socially and emotionally. We care about the development of the whole child and have high expectations for all children. We recognise that some children may need additional help to support their individual learning needs. In collaboration with parents, carers and the support of external agencies, we aim for all children to make progress, academic, social and emotional progress, from their own starting points.


For Parent SEND Resources:

Clarion Corvus Trust - Parent SEND Resources

  • Trust Primary SENDCo - Miss Bryony Best (
  • Assistant SENDCo - Mrs Victoria Spencer/ Miss Jessica Raine (Maternity) 
  • SEND Governor - Miss Diane Bainbridge

Including Everyone

The needs of children with English as an additional language, physical impairment or medical needs are carefully considered. Support is provided appropriately to assist each child’s needs. Watton Junior School is an inclusive school. We accept children with EHCPs in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice.

It is our belief that all pupils of this school have a right of access to opportunities regardless of ability, age, gender, physical ability, capability or characteristics, racial or ethnic group, religious beliefs and social background. We also believe that all pupils should be encouraged to understand the implications of equal opportunity and regard and should be challenged to dispel the ignorance and distrust which breeds prejudice and discrimination.

Pupil Support

We have a strong Pupil Support Team lead by a Trust SENDCo. We are an inclusive school and do our utmost to support Individual pupils with additional needs in a mainstream school where appropriate.

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Watton Westfield Infant & Nursery and Watton Junior School

Aim: For all children to achieve their full potential.
Ethos: To use an ambitious curriculum and nurturing approach to inspire confident life-long learners.
Vision: We provide a Safe, Meaningful, Inclusive Learning Environment. SMILE

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools

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