Attendance and Absence
Our aim is for 100% attendance.
We give certificates for good attendance at the end of each school year. Holidays in term time will not be authorised.
All absence due to illness should be reported through Study Bugs. The sign up to Study Bugs can be found in the link below.
We have a strict 48 hour rule for sickness. If your child is sick, they must remain off school for 48 hours following the last bout of sickness.
90% attendance means missing on average half a day EVERY week. That’s four whole weeks of school in one year. |
90% attendance = a child missing 100 hours of learning each year. |
Children with 90% attendance or below miss out on valuable time for social development within their peer group. |
Children with average attendance of 90% miss over half a year of education by the time they leave secondary education. We know positive attendance prepares children for their transition into secondary education. |
National research suggests that 90% attendance at secondary school = SATS level drop in achievement by the end of year 9 and a GCSE grade lower in all subjects by year 11 |
A child on holiday for 2 weeks during term time will miss at least 50 hours of learning. Some children never catch up. |
We ask parents to help children achieve their full potential by not taking holidays during term time. |
We will only authorise term time leave in highly exceptional circumstances. |